Friday, December 10, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award from Tammy

I just noticed that Tammy "awarded" me a Stylish Blogger Award. She always leaves me the nicest comments - thanks!!  So I must say I'm super excited and honored, and now I get to pass on some love!  Thanks so much Tammy!!  This sounds super fun. 

Rules that accompany this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to bloggers that you have recently discovered

1. I love getting my mail, every day.  
2. I love green smoothies.  Spinach/Kale/Cilantro mixed with frozen fruit - yumo!
3. I have 99% of my Christmas shopping done. 
4. I hate living away from my parents, sister, nephew, and extended friends/family in WA. State.
5. I have the best "job" ever - designing cards, teaching and working for DeNami Designs.
6. I am not fond of heights, you couldn't pay me to sky dive etc.
7. My husband is 17 years older than me, I have 2 stepdaughters, and 2 grandchildren.
8. My favorite color is lime green.  

My recently discovered bloggers are:  (this part took me over 1/2 hr to narrow down!)

Jen's Ink Spot - Jen makes the most FUN rings with buttons.  She doesn't stop there though, she has a really clean and eye catching style that she captures in awesome photos.

This-n-That - Not sure how I found Gretchen.... but I'm happy I did.  I feel we have a similar "style" of cards, so maybe that's why I'm drawn to her creations. :-) She also takes beautiful photos and makes other "fun" stuff.

Work in Progress - I found Andrea's blog when I was looking through Play Date Cafe's color challenge.  She managed to make grey, brown, and silver look good together, I didn't even try!  Oh, and the gift tags she made recently inspired me to make some for my Christmas gifts this year.


  1. THANKS WENDY!!!! I really am honored and so appreciate the blog award!!! I'm heading out for the weekend but will definitely post it on my blog and pass along the award when I return!!! Thanks again Wendy :)

  2. Oh goodness, I forgot about those green smoothies! One of these days I'll need to try yours; with the fruit it doesn't sound AS bad! happy to have you on board with us at DeNami! I love working with you SO much!

    I didn't realize your hubby was that much older than you. Also, I don't think I could ever picture you as a grandma. Like ever. :)

    I hadn't ever seen Gretchen's blog before- such lovely creations! Thanks for sharing her link!

  3. Thank you so much Wendy for the award!! How fun!! It was great to read about you! It is so fun to find out more about my "cyber" friends! Have a great weekend!

  4. Thank you for the award!! I am honored ;) Hope you have a terrific weekend!!
